The Adventures of Red Riding Hood is an action-packed, fun-filled journey through our fairytale planet with feisty heroine, Red Riding Hood. But in a race to visit Granny Hood with a festive hamper of goodies, could it be a case of mistaken identity for media star Red Riding Hood, the jealous Goldilocks, or the Big (or not so) Bad Wolf? 

As we enter the usually busy stage of the MAC festive show, a sparse stage meets us: a giant circuit board floor with a huge white background. Soon, an electric voice greets us and begins our journey through the galaxy. The white wall comes to life with projections, as parts of it start moving around, and so do the images, creating an innovative almost 3D effect. Soon we’re in a fairytale high school with Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Tom Thumb and others. This certainly isn’t a traditional telling of the Grimm’s fairytale! Soon the songs start and the young crowd are clapping along to the original and very current-sounding music.

While adding touches here and there and making it more relevant to a modern audience, the main points of the story are adhered to. But the inclusion of TikTok ‘lives’  and songs about Xboxes etc do make a difference, especially with my ‘9-year-old son Alex who said these were some of his favourite bits ‘as that’s the kind of stuff kids like’. He also rated it 4.9/5 so I’d say they’ve hit the nail on the head with the real target audience. 

The cast of 5 sing, dance and move props around like their lives depend on it, and without barely breaking a sweat. The numerous song and dance numbers are super catchy and come along with dance routines that wouldn’t;t be out of place on TikTok (or whatever other socials the kids are using this week), The technical elements are really well done, only marred in our performance buy a 2-minute break when the walls decided not to co-operate and matched with the bombastic sound makes for an immersive experience that adults and kids alike can enjoy.

The Adventures of Red Riding Hood is on at The MAC until the 1st January, More info and tickets can be found here

Chris Caldwell

Author: Chris Caldwell

Chris Caldwell at your service! My favourite things are eating and Theatre, I have 2 small sons called Alex and Max who are more mustard than Hellmann's. I spend my days trying to wrangle them and exploring my favourite city - BELFAST! My favourite films are horror, my fav music is metal and my favourite Beatle is Ringo, mainly his work on Thomas the Tank.