vi·ral /ˈvīrəl/
An image, video, advertisement, etc. that is circulated rapidly on the Internet.
North·ern Vi·raland
A made up term to describe viral content from (Northern) Ireland
Recently there has been a snazzy wee Infogram being shared around by the Ulster Bank about the rising cost of an Ulster fry, economists have got their knickers in a twist over the fact that it has risen 44% in price since 2007! The Belfast Telegraph followed this up today with further analysis:
That’s because of a significant rise in food price inflation which has pushed up one of our favourite morning meals by a whopping 44%.
The price of all items on a typical Northern Ireland breakfast plate shot up dramatically between August 2007 and February 2014. New figures from Ulster Bank have revealed that eggs are 61.2% more expensive today, while pork sausages have risen by 43.8%, bacon is 21.2% more expensive, tomatoes are up 51% and mushrooms have ballooned by 16.9%.
So there you have it, do you think the Ulster Fry will become the food of the rich only, perhaps Stormont will be the only place still serving it in 10 years time. Forget the Fleg, it’s time to take to the streets in protest over this, once I’ve had my full soda of course