What’s new on Netflix this week? What’s our pick of the week? There are a few things on the radar for your viewing pleasure.  Lets get started with those that earned an honorable mention will we?

Pineapple Express – One of my favorite James Franco/ Seth Rogen films.  It combines action with laughs and Danny McBride and Snoop Dogg’s favorite pass time.

Stoner Dale Denton’s (Seth Rogen) enjoyment of a rare strain of marijuana may prove fatal when he drops his roach in a panic after witnessing a murder. Upon learning that the fancy weed can be traced back to them, Dale and his dealer (James Franco) go on the lam, with a dangerous drug lord (Gary Cole) and crooked cop (Rosie Perez) hot on their heels.

Sherlock Season 3 – If you want to catch up with Sherlock before watching The Sherlock Victorian Special ‘The Abominable Bride’ that’s patiently waiting on your DVR/Sky box/ Tivo then look no further than Netflix. If you’re new to Sherlock you can get yourself up to speed with the other 2 series too. All caught up nice and good.

Pick of the week – The Wolf of Wall Street

There could only be one pick of the week really and this is it. It’s a momentous achievement  to cram this much sleaze and decadence into one film. So full of sex and drug abuse it’d make Hugh Hefner blush. An immensely enjoyable film that offers us a brief glimpse into what it’d be like to live without morals. I’m just glad it’s not my full time job.


In 1987, Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) takes an entry-level job at a Wall Street brokerage firm. By the early 1990s, while still in his 20s, Belfort founds his own firm, Stratton Oakmont. Together with his trusted lieutenant (Jonah Hill) and a merry band of brokers, Belfort makes a huge fortune by defrauding wealthy investors out of millions. However, while Belfort and his cronies partake in a hedonistic brew of sex, drugs and thrills, the SEC and the FBI close in on his empire of excess.

Paul Caldwell

Author: Paul Caldwell

Paul Crazy-Legs Caldwell. I take care of most of the week's geek based content and make sure that the Octogeek is only let out on a Wednesday. I also make comics for my website www.theskeletonblog.com when the notion takes me.