This week we have a whole bunch of stuff on Captain America. Images, interviews you name it we have it. We also have some chat about Deadpool 2 as well as stuff on Daredevil, Pete’s Dragon and Batman v Superman.
Batman v Superman
Ben Affleck, the wise man that he is, has revealed that he didn’t just go into this Batman thing blind. He got some advice from the best and the worst of the Batmen (excluding Adam West of course).
“I talked to Christian [Bale], who just told me to make sure I got a zipper in the suit, which was valuable, practical advice. [George Clooney] gave me some advice which is not repeatable”.
Great stuff guys, great stuff. We now have three more posters of the supporting cast as well as confirmation that the run time will be somewhere around the 150 minute mark. So um…. bring some cushions or splash out for the VIP section on this one.
Captain America Civil War
Chris Evans (Captain America), Kevin Feige (Captain Big Boss Marvel Studios Guy) and Anthony Mackie (The Falcon, just The Falcon) have been talking about Cap 3, giving us a little more information before it’s out in May. Speaking to Disney’s Twenty-Three magazine (is that a Disney Magazine for 23 year olds? It seems oddly specific) Evans responded to those that have said that this is Avengers 3 rather than a Cap movie.
“Even though there are a lot characters, the focus is on Steve and his struggle. Especially his struggle with Tony Stark. […] It’s exciting to see a guy who’s as optimistic and as selfless as Steve be met with letdown, betrayal, frustration, and selfishness. There are events and people in his life that test him – that challenge him and force him to reevaluate who he is and what he wants out of life”.
OK so I googled it. According to Wikipedia D23 Magazine is a Disney fan magazine. “The name D23 refers to D for Disney and 23 for 1923 — the year a jobless Walt Disney headed to California and founded the company.” Anyway, Kevin Feige couldn’t help but pipe in too. Is it a surprise that the man in the ‘spangly outfit’ and the ‘tin man’ aren’t getting along?
“We’ve seen it coming. The clues were there. When you watch the other films you see how Captain America and Iron Man fight the bad guys together, back-to-back, but they have differences. And there is something that happens in the world that divides them”.
Speaking separately to Radio 1, without any of his Marvel handlers to curtail him, Anthony Mackie (the Falcon) let the theater going public know how he felt about the film
“Having seen the movie, it’s Marvel’s best movie thus far. And I’m being honest, if a Marvel movie sucks, a movie in the Marvel universe, I’ll tell you it sucked. […] Winter Soldier and Iron Man 1 are probably Marvel’s two best movies. I feel like [Civil War] beats both of those movies. It’s really, really good.”
“Because it’s more of an acting movie than an action movie, I feel like the story is very concise and interesting, and you get to see Robert Downey Jr and Chris Evans and Scarlett Johannson and Mark Ruffalo and everybody just do really, really good acting. And then there’s action in it. The great thing about being in a Marvel movie? They have really good actors. I mean, Don Cheadle is in the Marvel Universe! I think it might be the first superhero movie that might be up for Best Picture.”
First of all, by the sounds of things we might be getting Bruce Banner (Ruffalo) even if we don’t get The Hulk. I’m guessing Mackie wasn’t supposed to say that. Second of all, lets not get carried away in thinking that a superhero movie will be nominated for anything other than make up and effects. Lets let the Academy sort out the gender and race wars before we start our twitter campaign.
Just as a little addition, Martin Freeman’s role has been revealed in Empire’s Civil War Special. Bilbo will be playing Everett Ross, the US government’s liaison with Black Panther’s home nation of Wakanda. Empire also gave us a few new pics including a proper look at Crossbones and 2 nice covers.
Deadpool 2
It’s sequel time and if you hadn’t gathered, Deadpool has been something of a hit. Co-writer Rhett Reese was speaking to Collider about the prospect of Cable in Deadpool 2 ands how Deadpool fits into the X-Men universe.
“I think there’s a real conceptual difference between taking other characters and big things and bringing them into Deadpool’s reasonably small, gritty world and the opposite, taking Deadpool and placing him among big ensembles who are fighting aliens or in the future where he and Cable are doing something in the future.”

“I think if Cable and Deadpool team up, it will likely be in Deadpool’s world. That allows us to control that budgetary thing a little more; I don’t think we’re gonna see Deadpool and Cable on some far-flung planet 300 years from now”.
Writing partner Paul Wernick added that the budget for the second film wouldn’t be a lot higher than the $58m spent on making the first.
“We don’t want $150 million to go make the next movie, that’s not Deadpool. Deadpool doesn’t lift cities up into the air or battle aliens coming down to earth, that’s just not Deadpool. So we’re happy in that little small budget range that they have us in.”
“People love the fourth-wall stuff, we’ve learned that. I think people appreciated the fact that the story was simple… There’s so much zaniness that I think just having a clear throughline, a pretty simple story, not a ton of plot twists or weird things you have to try to figure out or understand, makes you able to just have fun with all that zaniness that you throw on top of it. So I think we learned keep it simple, keep it zany, go ahead and break the rules in all the ways that Deadpool does, and hopefully you’re in a pretty safe space.”
Deadpool on his way to some far-flung planet.
Wolverine 3
It’s Hugh Jackman’s last go at a properly good Wolverine movie. They nearly had it with ‘The Wolverine’ but then added in some robot samurai at the end. For Jackman’s swan song though he’ll be getting the American R rating that the character has been crying out for. This has apparently been on the cards since before Deadpool showed what an R-rated comic movie could do but I guess it must have clinched the deal.
Netflix have dropped a trailer for Daredevil season 2 featuring The Punisher and some creepy children singing.the There’s another trailer being released tomorrow but i’m sure you can wait until next Wednesday’s Octogeek right?
The Predator
Here’s everything you need to know about this. We’re getting another Predator film. It doesn’t feature Xenomorphs or Adrien Brody. It’s being written and directed by Shane Black (Iron Man 3, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang) and it has this new teaser poster.
Are we really doing this now? Trailer’s for trailers? Not a teaser. An announcement that there will in fact be a trailer.
Here’s the synopsis too. Not a synopsis of the synopsis but an actual synopsis.
Thirty years after the original film took the world by storm, Ghostbusters is back and fully rebooted for a new generation. Director Paul Feig combines all the paranormal fighting elements that made the original franchise so beloved with a cast of new characters, played by the funniest actors working today. Get ready to watch them save the world this summer!
Pete’s Dragon
In this teaser trailer Pete has a Dragon. That may be a spoiler i don’t know but I’m pretty sure he has a dragon.
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