In what was one of wrestling’s last true shock moments Brock Lesnar defeated The Undertakers long standing wrestlemania winning streak at Wrestlemania 30. Speculations run rife as to when, and if, ‘taker would return. In another shock he did return last night at WWE Battleground. Just as it seems that Lesnar had Rollins’s (or rawwwwwlyyns as it’s pronounced) number, and the belt in the bag, after completing his infamous suplex city and delivering the F5, did the lights go out and a million people tweeted they #HadChills as The Undertakers dong was heard and he appeared. Looking redder and older than ever he proceeded to escape Lesnar’s F5 attempt and kick him in the nuts! A tombstone later and no one gave a crap about the title match that had previously going on. Expect Lesanr vs Taker at summerslam I guess. #TakerHasNoChill

Author: Chris Caldwell
Chris Caldwell at your service! My favourite things are eating and Theatre, I have 2 small sons called Alex and Max who are more mustard than Hellmann's. I spend my days trying to wrangle them and exploring my favourite city - BELFAST! My favourite films are horror, my fav music is metal and my favourite Beatle is Ringo, mainly his work on Thomas the Tank. View all posts by Chris Caldwell