Let’s get down to it shall we? There’s plenty going on at E3 and some TV news too as well as the usual movie news, and shall we get the most obvious one out of the way first then?
Jurassic World
Jurassic World was released last week, you can read our spoiler free review here. It’s done some big business, generating $524.1 million in it’s woldwide opening. Making it the biggest opening of all time. When he spoke to Entertainment Weekly, Chris Pratt confirmed that he’ll be back for the sequel adding:
“they have me for I think 38 movies or something”
Sounds about right.
You may remember us reporting on the new X-Men spin off movie featuring C-Tates as the mutant with a penchant for pink. Well Planet of the Apes director Rupert Wyatt has now been named director.
Bad Boys 3
This week we heard that Bad Boys is coming back, bringing Martin Lawrence and Will Smith with it. Michael Bay is a no show however. According to Comingsoon.net Joe Carnahan in talks to do rewrites and direct an existing script by David Guggenheim. I’m sure Will Smith has something in his contract stipulating his kid’s involvement and a deal for him to do the theme song.
The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Superman (Henry Cavill) must team up with The Lone Ranger (Armie Hammer) with a Russian accent to stop international terrorists who have got a hold of a nuclear bomb. Set in the 1960’s at the height of the Cold War, The Man from U.N.C.L.E. has it’s first trailer. It looks like standard movie nonsense summer blockbuster fun. Hugh Grant is starting to look his age though, not that there’s anything wrong with that, Just saying is all.
The Man Who Killed Don Quixote
Does everyone remember The Man Who Killed Don Quixote? No? Well that’s probably because they never finished it. Terry Gilliam had attempted to make the film before with Johnny Depp but weather, money, health issues and the general chaos that seems to follow Gilliam around destroyed any chance of finishing the project. We did get a ‘making of’ the film that never was, in the form of documentary film Lost In La Mancha.
The newly formed Amazon Productions has commissioned Gilliam to write, produce and direct original content for them, one of which being The Man Who Killed Don Quixote, this time featuring John Hurt as Quixote and Jack O’Connell in the Depp role. Lets hope Terry has more luck this time around.
The Son of Odin Chris Hemsworth is to take the reception job in the new female led Ghostbusters. Director Paul Feig revealed the news this week on twitter:
Hemsworth will be taking over a position once held by the wonderful Annie Potts in Ivan Reitman’s Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II.
Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them
This one is due out in November of next year. It’s based on the books by J. K. Rowling and set in the same world as Hogswarts and it’s witches and Wizards. Rowling will be writing the screenplay which is a first for her and it will be part of a trilogy of films. Warner Brothers have to keep the wizarding cash cow alive somehow. It’s to be Directed by David Yates who directed the last 4 Harry Potter films so it’s in good hands. Eddie Redmayne will play Newt Scamander and Katherine Waterston has also been cast as a witch who meets Newt in New York. It’ll be interesting to see the American side of the Harrypotterverse for a change.
Christopher Lee
This Week saw the passing of one of cinema’s greatest icons – Christopher Lee. His contributions will be especially missed in the geek sphere as he clocked up a fair few sci-fi, horror and other geek friendly roles. His IMDB lists 278 films and even though some may be computer game voice overs and a few other bits and pieces, that’s still an impressive number.
Famous for Dracula, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, James Bond, The Wicker Man the list goes on. Rock on Christopher Lee, you will be missed.
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