Never let be said that Galway native, now Belfast legend, Leonie Pony is one to rest on her laurels or one to stay still for…
Never let be said that Galway native, now Belfast legend, Leonie Pony is one to rest on her laurels or one to stay still for…
As a haphazard countdown looms large on the big screen and the lights go down, the crowd hush with a moistened anticipation as she appears…
It’s no secret that we flipping LOVE Pony Panto, I mean we reviewed it so much we had to stop. Plus we’ve seen a bunch…
It’s that time of year again, and it wouldn’t be Christmas if we didn’t see the folks from Pony Dance trotting about The MAC making us…
With all the kerfuffle (is that spelled right? Is there a right way to spell it?) that went on Friday night at St.Annes Square it’s…
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