Come check out what’s new at the cinemaplex! This week’s big release is WB/DC’s second attempt at big franchise comic book movie. The internet is…
Come check out what’s new at the cinemaplex! This week’s big release is WB/DC’s second attempt at big franchise comic book movie. The internet is…
Summer is fast approaching so expect a whole bunch of trailers. We’ve got trailers for the new Star Wars, Doctor Strange, Suicide Squad, the David…
This week we’ve got stuff on the Lego Batman Movie which looks just swell. We got The Rock, Bridget Jones, The Tick, Suicide Squad, Pirates, Game…
Is it Wednesday already? We’re back again with news on Cloverfield, Wonder Woman, a Suicide Squad trailer, some stuff on Civil War and more! Read…
Ahoy there! Here we are. It’s the run up to Christmas. I can say that now that Halloween is over. This week we have some news…
Octo-Jack wishes you a happy Halloween and so do you with our latest offering of geekness. Jessica Jones, Power Rangers, Ant-Man, Suicide Squad pics and…
This week we got Batman v Superman, Evil Dead, Suicide Squad, Goosebumps, Star Wars Spider-man and more! Not forgetting the Netflix pick of the week!…
Comic Con is happening in USA, where marriage is legal everywhere and weed is legal most places (I just need some for my cataracts). Also…
The Octogeek (Geektopus?) has 8 arms for gathering geek news. One for each day of the week and one left over for you know, octopus stuff.…
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