Next week the MAC is home to Nivelli’s War, a magical story inspired by true events. It follows Ernst, a six year old boy who is evacuated to the countryside during the Second World War. However, after the war Ernst finds himself all alone, that is until a mysterious stranger comes to his aid and shows him the value of true magic. This show is suitable for all ages and features music, magic and illusion. There is even a ‘relaxed performance’ on the 9th March where the lights stay on and you’re free to talk, sing and come and go as you please…perfect for kids.

When: 4 – 11 March
Where: Downstairs at The MAC
The Damage: Children – £9.50 Schools – £7.50, Adults £12.22


Laura Caldwell

Author: Laura Caldwell

Hi, I'm Laura. I'm 30 years old and have a degree in Journalism with Photo-Imaging at the University of Ulster. I have an undying love for Belfast and all that it has to offer, an undying love for sleeping, Tegan and Sara, trashy tv shows, foreign snack-foods and being irresponsible with money. I also quite like origami, reading, jazz, hip-hop, dubstep, anything acoustic and Food Network TV. I've written for The Big List, Culture NI, Chatterbox and The Echo, as well as writing for BBC Across the Line.

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