*stands up and address the group* Hi, my name is Chris and I’m a Dad. It’s time to kick off the next chapter of Pastiebap, but first a wee bit of background… Over the past few years I have become a dad to 2 brilliant little boys and with that has come all the trials and tribulations of raising a family, going to ‘real’ work and keeping up this website. As any parent will know It can be fairly full on sometimes and unfortunately has meant I haven’t been able to update the site as much as I would have liked too. Luckily I do this site with my sister Laura and she has more than helped hold things down on the website side, however this year she’s getting married (and is fairly busy with that) and with my boys are getting a bit older, so I have found myself with a bit more time on my hands and a renewed interest in blogging!  So I’m going to start doing what I’ve been meaning to do for years – blogging about family stuff- life, products, places, people, ups, and downs.  We’ll still be keeping up all the other stuff, I’ll just be adding this in as well.

I’ll be writing a lot about these 2 so here’s a quick introduction to the main players:


Max is 3 years old. He’s skinny and gangly and runs like he’s constantly going to fall over his own legs.  He loves Abney and Teal more than Trump loves twitter.  He would sit and play on his Amazon kids tablet all day if we didn’t stop him and he can whizz through it like he designed it.  He’s great fun and slightly precocious, he’s going through a phase at the minute where he gets upset when mummy or daddy leave. He also loves, waffles, books, and cars, planes and automobiles.  He likes staying up late at night and hiding his cars when you come in to ask why he’s not asleep.

Max and Daddy


Alex is 2 (14 months apart) going on 14. He is a really good talker and boy does he know it.  He sticks up for his big brother and when you give him anything he won’t leave until he has one for Max.  He also loves stealing Max’s toys and running around like its a fun game while Max cries.  He loves anything sweet, including fruit and especially ice lollies.  He is very affectionate and tells us he loves us all the time.  he recently got a Gro-Clock* and he has already figured out how to set it and turn it off.  He wakes up early, wears pants in the day and nappies at night, but hates wearing his nappies now. He currently loves Planes 2: Fire and rescue but has no interest in the first one.

Alex and Daddy

And so if you’re still reading I thank you and hope you enjoy whats to come. 



Here’s a just an extra pic of the boys having a lovely time together on holidays, did I mention Alex loves to wind Max up…Max And Alex Holiday

*This has an Amazon affiliate link which means if you do visit this and buy it we get some sort of kickback from them. I’m not 100% sure about it all as it’s the first time i’ve used it, but we’ll give a go and see if it helps with the sites running fees! Thanks and good night.

Chris Caldwell

Author: Chris Caldwell

Chris Caldwell at your service! My favourite things are eating and Theatre, I have 2 small sons called Alex and Max who are more mustard than Hellmann's. I spend my days trying to wrangle them and exploring my favourite city - BELFAST! My favourite films are horror, my fav music is metal and my favourite Beatle is Ringo, mainly his work on Thomas the Tank.