So the eight greats of the Belfast pizza scene came together last night at the pizza edition of the Yelp Belfast Mouthing Off Series (for the best wings in Belfast click here, or for the best burger in Belfast click here).

Belfast Pizza OffThe contenders were Greens Pizzeria, Villa Italia, Fratelli, Ambrosia Caffe & Ristorante, Opera Pizzeria, Nico’s Pizza Pasta, Pizza Works and the gracious hosts Pizza Jazz.

If we learnt anything about pizza in general at the Pizza-Off it’s that you can’t get a bad pizza in Belfast. All of the chefs and restaurants involved made a great effort, and each offering was tasty in its own right. But only one could be crowned the winner and awarded that coveted ‘Belfast Pizza-Off Champion’ apron, and that accolade goes to Pizza Works on the Antrim road for their traditional margherita pizza ‘The Brooklyn’ .

Runner up went to Pizza Jazz and Ambrosia Caffee & Ristorante, whilst third place went to Fratelli. Click on the pictures below to see where the pizzas are from and to read a little more about why they’re special.

Laura Caldwell

Author: Laura Caldwell

Hi, I'm Laura. I'm 30 years old and have a degree in Journalism with Photo-Imaging at the University of Ulster. I have an undying love for Belfast and all that it has to offer, an undying love for sleeping, Tegan and Sara, trashy tv shows, foreign snack-foods and being irresponsible with money. I also quite like origami, reading, jazz, hip-hop, dubstep, anything acoustic and Food Network TV. I've written for The Big List, Culture NI, Chatterbox and The Echo, as well as writing for BBC Across the Line.

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