Jessica Jones

Netflix /Marvel have dropped another teaser on us which lets us know approximately nothing other than that Jessica has some ‘abilities’.

 Black Mirror

3039940-inline-i-2-giles-keyte-black-mirror-recapThe Americans seemed to love Charlie Brooker’s Black Mirror. The show was shown on Netflix in the states and has been so popular that Netflix has commissioned 12 more to begin production at the end of the year. That’s not very long to get writing 12 new episodes considering he’s used to only writing 3 at a time. Hopefully he’s had some ideas knocking around in that head of his in anticipation. Channel 4 will still have the rights to Black Mirror in the UK so I wouldn’t expect all 12 to land nicely on Netflix for binge watching any time soon. We’ll have to wait for Channel 4 to dole them out to us one by one as we can’t be trusted. Charlie Brooker seems delighted though.

“It’s all very exciting — a whole new bunch of Black Mirror episodes on the most fitting platform imaginable. Netflix connects us with a global audience so that we can create bigger, stranger, more international and diverse stories than before, whilst maintaining that Black Mirror feel. I just hope none of these new story ideas come true.”


This week’s Netflix pick is Thor: The Dark Work. It follows the events of the first Avengers film and while fun it wasn’t a patch on the first Thor film. It’s one of those films that I always fancied giving a second chance to though, plus Thor has a big red cape. Look at the big red cape!Thor

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Paul Caldwell

Author: Paul Caldwell

Paul Crazy-Legs Caldwell. I take care of most of the week's geek based content and make sure that the Octogeek is only let out on a Wednesday. I also make comics for my website when the notion takes me.