#NewOnNetflix – Pick of the Week: W/Bob & David

Bob-Odenkirk-David-Cross--009Bob Odenkirk (Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul) and David Cross (Arrested Development) star in this throwback sketch show. Once upon a time they had a little something on HBO called ‘Mr.Show’. Sarah Silverman and Jack Black were involved in it back in the day and now Bob and David are back with a new show.

After being dishonorably discharged from the Navy Seals, Bob and David are back serving our country the way they do best — making sketch comedy.

Paul Caldwell

Author: Paul Caldwell

Paul Crazy-Legs Caldwell. I take care of most of the week's geek based content and make sure that the Octogeek is only let out on a Wednesday. I also make comics for my website www.theskeletonblog.com when the notion takes me.