From the start it’s clear that these guys haven’t changed one bit, there’s high kicks, lots of running around and of course the infamous Busted jump. However, the night isn’t just about Busted, the boys from McFly are on top form and loving every second as they sing their own hits 5 Colours in Her Hair, Obviously, It’s All About You and Shine A Light (although I was convinced at the time that this wasn’t even a McFly song – I stand corrected – it most certainly is).

The highlight of the night is definitely the massive UFO descending from the middle of the ceiling,  the six boys standing on top of it with light up guitars singing Star Girl. There’s lots of hijinks up on the UFO as the boys chat with the crowd talking about Irish girls and man boobs and Dougie even shows us some dance moves while James adorably dangles his legs off the side like a little kid. Danny’s Northern Irish accent is also reasonably impressive, as is Dougie’s rendition of Celine Dion’s My Heart Will Go On – a homage to being in the Titanic’s birthplace.

After a short break the boys are back on the main stage singing Thunderbirds Are Go, then The Jackson 5’s I Want You Back, complete with cheesy synchronised boy band dances. The night finishes with more juvenile humour as the gang sing What I Go To School For whilst doodles of boobs etc flash up on the screens around the stage and “giant balls” (tennis and basket of course) are released into the audience. Then onto Crashed the Wedding with Matt in an ill-fitting wedding dress and finally, Year 3000 sees three giant inflatable boobs firing confetti into the audience.

McBusted was always going to go one of two ways – either a desperate attempt at clawing back the fame these guys once had, or a triumphant return to everything that people loved about them, and I’m so so unbelievably glad to say that last night, the boys from both Busted and McFly proved the latter. It was a phenomenal gig that will undoubtedly be remembered for years to come. Here’s to the next ten year reunion!

McBustedJames. Smelly cat? Sleeping with the light on. Acoustic start. Phone torches.


Laura Caldwell

Author: Laura Caldwell

Hi, I'm Laura. I'm 30 years old and have a degree in Journalism with Photo-Imaging at the University of Ulster. I have an undying love for Belfast and all that it has to offer, an undying love for sleeping, Tegan and Sara, trashy tv shows, foreign snack-foods and being irresponsible with money. I also quite like origami, reading, jazz, hip-hop, dubstep, anything acoustic and Food Network TV. I've written for The Big List, Culture NI, Chatterbox and The Echo, as well as writing for BBC Across the Line.

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