With Jurassic World smashing box office records for Universal (over $500 million on it’s opening ‘weekend’), it’s got me thinking of the film that started it all.  How did they make believable dinosaurs  in the 90’s? This behind the scenes video shows how they had to make raptors back in the day. CGI was in it’s infancy and cost a pretty penny so practical effects master Stan Winston and his team of FX wizards had to prove that the concept of believable raptors wasn’t just a dream. You’ll never look at raptors the same way again.

While I have your attention, this one is also worth a watch. Its crazy to think of now but in the first film, that T-Rex you see when it first comes out of the paddock, is a life size animatronic. There’s some great behind the scenes footage of it on set just snapping its jaws and generally looking mean as hell. This thing along with those raptors will haunt my nightmares.



Paul Caldwell

Author: Paul Caldwell

Paul Crazy-Legs Caldwell. I take care of most of the week's geek based content and make sure that the Octogeek is only let out on a Wednesday. I also make comics for my website www.theskeletonblog.com when the notion takes me.