Having enjoyed previous productions from the innovative Three’s Theatre Company we’ve had our interest suitably peaked with their latest venture 1010Oi.

Three’s Theatre Company join with Outside In and The Simon Community to bring you 1010Oi – 2 stories, 2 journeys around the city, 2 chances to see Belfast from another perspective, see why things need to change.

“Being homeless was a part of my life I never saw coming, we all have stories like you have stories”

10th October is World Homeless Awareness Day and this year Three’s Theatre Company plan to make some noise and make a difference. 

After interviewing people who have been and currently are experiencing homelessness, their stories have been amalgamated to create two tales of the city.

There are many ways a person could become homeless, so we decided to bring just some of their stories together, so our fictional tales are built on reality, the situations are true.

This is a walking tour, so please dress appropriately. Bring your smartphone if you have one, ideally fully charged, and a pair of headphones if you have them, as the production uses an app that we can download on to your own phone. If you don’t have one don’t worry, we will have spare.

Funded by Arts and Business NI through their partnership investment programme.

“Cities are strange, aren’t they? I mean look around you, look how much there is in one building – art galleries, theatres, a coffee shop, the all-important bar, no matter what you want to do with your day you can probably do it here or within spitting distance anyway. Sure look, you can have a pray, an overcomplicated coffee, a salad, an education and all in the one square”

“Nearly 150 people who were homeless died in Northern Ireland last year, in an 11-month period. Homelessness and the lack of housing is a huge issue in Northern Ireland, an issue that is normally overlooked. We pass people on the streets every day and very rarely stop and ask why is our country like this, why are we not able to house people when buildings are lying empty. Things seriously need to change.” – Anna Leckey, Three’s Theatre Company 

“For many people, the stereotype of homelessness is someone sleeping rough on the streets. However, this is not the reality, particularly here in Northern Ireland. Thankfully, we don’t have the same level of street homelessness experienced in other parts of the UK and Ireland, but that doesn’t mean that the homelessness crisis is any less severe in Northern Ireland.” – Simon Community NI

Chris Caldwell

Author: Chris Caldwell

Chris Caldwell at your service! My favourite things are eating and Theatre, I have 2 small sons called Alex and Max who are more mustard than Hellmann's. I spend my days trying to wrangle them and exploring my favourite city - BELFAST! My favourite films are horror, my fav music is metal and my favourite Beatle is Ringo, mainly his work on Thomas the Tank.