This week we have James Bond, Bourne, Assassin’s Creed, Captain America: Civil War pictures and Dr Strange as well as the usual Netflix choices. First though, lets revisit that General Zod flipper rumour.
Batman v Superman:
Last week I reported on a story Michael Shannon told to Vulture about him getting locked in the toilet with a pair of flipper arms. I postulated that he was perhaps just trolling us by making up increasingly bizarre stories to throw the media off the scent. Sadly it turns out I was correct. I was rather looking forward to seeing General Zod with ‘flippers instead of hands’. Shannon was talking to ‘The Daily Beast’ earlier this week and cleared things up.
“somebody was asking me about this in New York and I made up some ridiculous bulls–t answer about how my character Zod has flippers, and this went viral on the internet or something and people have been asking me about that. That is so obviously a complete bulls–t story, right? But people took it seriously”.
So that’s that then, no Zod with flippers. Frowny face. Looking at it now, it does look like a completely made up story though doesn’t it? Looks like we can’t believe a word Michael Shannon says. Remember that time when they were making Man of Steel and he told some reporters that he was going to play an alien who could fly about at super speed shooting lazers from his eyes and punching people through walls? Ha! I suppose he’s always been a kidder.
Assassin’s Creed
Video games haven’t faired well when it comes to movies but hopefully that will change with the Assassin’s Creed movie. Michael Fassbender is starring as Callum Lynch in the movie which will exist in the Assassin’s Creed World but won’t be rehashing any of the stories from previous games. We have a picture of Fassbender in the famous hood as well as a synopsis. God speed Mr. Fassbender. If anyone can make a good video game movie it’s you.
‘Through a revolutionary technology that unlocks his genetic memories, Callum Lynch (Michael Fassbender) experiences the adventures of his ancestor, Aguilar, in 15th Century Spain. Callum discovers he is descended from a mysterious secret society, the Assassins, and amasses incredible knowledge and skills to take on the oppressive and powerful Templar organization in the present day.’
James Bond: Spectre

Daniel Craig, ‘The World’s Blondest Bond’ has been talking to Esquire about the follow up to Skyfall and his future as 007. You can read the lengthy article here although I can pick out the meat from the fluff. I get the impression the journalist is trying very hard to make it sound classy. It is Esquire after all. It’s full of moody black and white pictures of Daniel Craig and lines like ‘I flip the lids from two bottles of Peroni, he offers me his lighter – encased in a spent bullet shell from the set of a 007 gunfight – and we ash in a bucket. It’s warm out but the sky is glowering, threatening rain. When it comes, almost as light as air, we sit through it, neither of us acknowledging it’s falling. So romantic you guys, so romantic.
When they actually get down to talking about making the new film off the back of the success of Skyfall, Craig says “I think everyone was just daunted […] Like, it’s the biggest British movie of all time. What does it f*cking mean? Where do we go from there? How do you process that? It could have been an albatross around everyone’s necks. It turned out not to be, but there was a massive amount of pressure at the beginning”
Skyfall was the first Bond to break the $1 billion mark so how do you follow that? Go bigger of course.
“We did have the conversation: it’s got to be bigger and better,” Craig says. “The stunts, the action, every department.” “I’m all jangly at the moment because it’s over. Sam has to lock the picture off for 7 September, so he’s got f*ck-all time, basically. That’s it. Can’t go back and do it again. Tough shit.” “I feel like we’ve all done our absolute f*cking best and that’s a good feeling. Whether that makes a better movie we’ll see.”
When asked about the possibility of him making more Bond after Spectre he replied “At this moment, no. I have a life and I’ve got to get on with it a bit. But we’ll see“.
Spectre arrives in theatres at the end of October.
Incidentally, I know you’re all looking at that picture of Daniel Craig and wondering where you can get yourself such fabulous looking clothes. Well you’re in luck because Esquire provides you with all the deets.
Light grey silk-cotton jacket, £2,205
White cotton shirt, £270
Navy / Silver-spotted silk tie, £160
Light grey silk-cotton trousers, £570
Black leather belt £265 all by Giorgio Armani
Seamaster Aqua Terra 41.5mm watch, £3,800 by Omega
Go on, treat yourself!
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